Monday, January 27, 2020

How Reading Can Benefit Our Knowledge Education Essay

How Reading Can Benefit Our Knowledge Education Essay Proverb says reading is warehouse of knowledge. By reading we can get a number of knowledge and information that is being developed or have evolved though. Anyway, all is never separated from the act of reading. In particular, the student or students for these jobs require them to read. That is read, read, and continue readings. As a hunter of science, the book is a major source of knowledge for them. Hence, reading something that is very important in our lives if we want to succeed in life. There are lots of understanding about the reading by some of the figures. Among Klein, ddk (in Faridah Rahim, 2005: 3) that make the definition of reading includes: first, reading is a process. The point is the information from the text and the knowledge possessed by the reader has a key role in the form of questions. According to Harris and Sipay (1980) described the process of reading as a process for the interpretation of the meaning of the symbols printed or written. In addition, Kenedy (1981) also defines reading as the ability to detect a visual form (graphic symbols that represent the language and the writing or words), connecting it with the form of sound or meaning of the note and then based on past experience, understand and interpret its meaning. For Mohairaini Yusoff (1989), has concluded the process of reading as a complex treatment and cannot be observed. Only two components of the agreed key skills inherent in the reading skills of skills to recognize and condemn the w ords and the skills to understand what is read. Reading is something that should be in our lives as human beings as long as we live on this Gods earth. Reading is the roots strength of an individual, but of a nation and a country. Without someone to read that there would be no knowledge or experience, without the knowledge and experience of how someone is able to govern or to lead a country and family. Therefore, reading is something very important in life if we want to succeed. In addition, reading is a science which is important to us. Many forms of knowledge can be gained by reading habits, but the reading can improve a person thinking and enhance their skills or expertise in any field of endeavor. Reading also benefited as the reading we can fill the free time and with these we will not waste time with things that are not useful as is happening now is like illegal racing activity, loitering, and so forth. In fact, reading can calm the mind and reduce the burden and to read, we can disseminate the knowledge gained from reading to others. Now we can also read and heard through the mass media in our country Malaysia, the ministry tried to set up various programs to encourage people to read because we are Malaysian government is aware that people are not reading less knowledgeable, and this will affect the performance of our country. Among the programs are held at each school talks about the importance of reading to enhance knowledge, sales day books, NILAM program at the school, the programs readers and many programs have been organized. This program is held by the ministry in collaboration with the NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MALAYSIA and also the school. From here we can see the importance of reading to the individual, especially the students and students of higher education. To get a good future they must have a high knowledge and to get the high knowledge they must reading and have reading habits inside them. They must think reading is not just to fulfill their field in their study but they must think reading is to make a knowledge that is really treasure for them. Here we will know the higher education student skill in reading. This means that how they read, for what they read and how they interpret their reading into study or their works. Beside that we also can know the important of reading for the higher education student. How the faculties keep their student in reading habits and what programs that already being handled to keep the student reading. ORGANIZATION BACKGROUND The research of mine will be conducted in Universiti Teknologi MARA, Campus Puncak Perdana, Shah Alam. My research scope will be among student of Faculty Information Management (FPM). UITM was establishing on 14 October 1967 by Tun Abdul Razak and by the mid-70s, but at that time the campus was already in full operation. Now UITM have 26 campuses. It is including UITM Campus Puncak Perdana. Campus Puncak Perdana was establish in the year of 2005.There are 3 Faculty in this campus, it is Faculty Information Management, Faculty Account, and Faculty Technology Creative and Artistic. Faculty of Information Management, UiTM, takes pride in being the pioneer in providing professional education to fulfill the manpower need of the country in three very important fields, namely: Information Management, Library Management, and Records Management. Our academic programmes, supplemented by industry attachments, equip graduates with knowledge and skills to take on the challenging demands of managing information in various forms and in various types of organizations. Our graduates become the main driving force for the development of a knowledge-based society, transforming Malaysia into a developed nation, ensuring that the countryà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s rich reservoirs of knowledge are systematically organized, maintained and enhanced for optimum value. To achieve this aim, the programmes consist of the blended components from four main areas: Information Technologies, Professional and Technical Aspects of Information and Records Management, Public Relations, and Usersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ Needs and Services. To achieve the goal of the Information Management Faculty, the student must active reading and they must have the skill to manage their reading, information, knowledge, information literacy, become the information proficiency and many more. The student must have good reading habits to become the skilled persons. Having good reading habits will make them professional in this field. The students also know how to handle the information from overload because they have skills because of their habits in reading. Although, Faculty of Information Management produces good workers on manage the information and they also produce the librarian. So, here they need to produce a program to increase the reading habits among students. Before they can conduct program, they must have the reading habit. From this they can conduct and handle student and people to have reading habits and they can give their experience on reading habits. PROBLEM STATEMENT Reading habits is very important to students especially student in higher education. They need to read more than other people. This is because students have to read to broaden their knowledge. Not to read just for school assignments, but read to give them knowledge. With this knowledge, they can complete their tasks quickly and have knowledge of their contents. In addition, reading can also prepare students to stand up and speak in front of the class, especially in the presentation works. Without reading difficult for them to speak fluently to describe the contents of their hard work and also to answer questions raised by colleagues and lecturers. Therefore, we have the knowledge to read high. However, the students reading is just to finish their assignment not for keep their knowledge. They think that finish their assignment is more important than reading for knowledge. This can give impact to the students and also to the faculty. This is because the faculty of Information Management wants to produce the workers that have a quality and having knowledge in manages information, without reading is it hard to produce this kind of workers. After the student finish their studies, they will go for works, if they not works as what the employer want this can give impact for Faculty. Employer would dispute the ability faculty in produce are capable students in the world of works. In this field of studies, need the student read more than often because from reading student will know about the management of information and what they need to do. The first problem in this area is lack awareness about the important of reading. Reading habits can give them more knowledge not only in studies but also knowledge about worlds. The second problem is students are always narrowed in reading minds. They can only be read if asked or to complete their assignment. In fact, they prefer to read scientific material about such gossip. The third problem is the limited collection materials in the library and the lack of Internet services. When there are limited collections of materials in the library so students refer to not go to library and also they will read this limited collection and this will occur problem on student reading habits. Lack of using the internet or browsing internet the student will get not enough information and they will get limited information and this will make they have a limited knowledge. The forth problem is student easy to feel bored in reading especially read books and article without any picture. They refer to read the visual form of reading materials. This kind of reading concept would not make the student feel bored easily. Besides that, visual material of reading will help the student to faster remember their readings. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The objectives of this study are as follows: To investigate the student awareness about the important of reading. To investigate frequency of student go to library. To investigate the materials of the student often to read and borrowed from library. To investigate the using of the internet by student; is that they use the internet to learn, reading or something else. To investigate is there any program being handle at the faculty to attract the student to go library and read; is it the student attend the program. RESEARCH QUESTION The research questions of this study are as follow: What is the purpose of reading for student? What is the frequency of the student come to library? How often the student come to reading program handle by the faculty and library? How much the materials that student read per day and how many material they borrowed from library? What the material the student often use to read and study; internet or printed materials? SCOPE OF THE RESEARCH The scope of this study is about the reading habits among student of Faculty of Information Management. How important reading habits in order to fulfill the career as a student, need of the student and ths will plays a big rle to produce the quality works and leading to successful academic person. This research is being conduct among student in Faculty of Information Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA, campus Puncak Perdana. The scope of this study are limited to two main areas, which is the contents of the study that is base on the title and the location of the study which is I have chose in Faculty of Information Management Campus Puncak Perdana, UITM, Shah Alam. The study of this research covers several elements. The elements are how often student go to library to make a reading for them self, how much materials they read per day, what kind material they read, and their ability in reading. The respondents for this study comprises of the students in Faculty Information Management and in this faculty there are four courses, IM220 (Library Science Management), IM221 (Information Systems Management), IM222 (Records Management), and IM223 (Resource Centers Management). This faculty located at University Teknologi MARA, Campus Puncak Perdana, Seksyen U10, Shah Alam. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK Independent Variable Dependent Variable Reading Skill Reading Habits Material Library services Reading Habits Program FIGURE 1: THE CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK RELATIONSHIP INDEPENDENT VARIABLES AND DEPENDENT VARIABLES The conceptual framework indicates the relationship which consists of the dependent and independent variables. The framework denotes the four variables which causes to single variable which were affected by the independent variable. Reading habits is dependent variable, variance in which to be explained by the four independent variables which are reading skill, materials, library services, and reading habits programs. The independent variables in this case are reading habits skills, materials, library services, and reading habit programs. Thus, it is very important of the reading habits in produce the good future and ability in works, also can make a higher knowledge. On the other hand, the dependent variable is the reading habits. It can be seen clearly that the independent variables have influenced the dependent variable. This research indicate and elaborate clearly that the reading skill, materials, library services and reading habit programs in student life as an independent variables that will affect and support the student life, works and student futures by having the reading habits among themselves as a dependent variables. OPERATIONAL DEFINITION Reading Habits According to North Regional Education Laboratory, definition of reading is, for many years, three basic definitions of reading have driven literacy programs in the United States (Foertsch, 1998). According to the first definition, learning to read means learning to pronounce words. According to the second definition, learning to read means learning to identify words and get their meaning. According to the third definition, learning to read means learning to bring meaning to a text in order to get meaning from it. But, according to the free dictionary, reading is the act or activity of one that reads. The definition of habits according to is, habits are an acquired behavior pattern regularly followed until it has become almost involuntary: the habit of looking both ways before crossing the street. Habits also can be define as a particular practice, custom, or usage, a dominant or regular disposition or tendency; prevailing character or quality. From both definition we can understand that reading habits is the act or activity of one that reads acquired behavior pattern as regularly followed until it has become almost involuntary.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Christian Counseling Essay

Abstract In the book, â€Å"Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality in Christian Counseling†, author Mark McMinn gives the reader information on how these three entities can work together in Christian counseling. McMinn offers several ways in which this can be done including the use of prayer, Scripture, confession, forgiveness, the effects of sin, and redemption in counseling sessions. Through narration of counseling vignettes displaying different results, from different approaches demonstrates for the reader integration. There are very many counselors in different walks in their faith and McMinn helps to explore this area for future and practicing clinicians. 4 MAT Review McMinn Summary Mark McMinn authored the book entitled; â€Å"Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality in Christian Counseling† introduces the reader to his concept of integration of these three entities. McMinn separates spirituality and defines why it is unlike psychology and theology, he states, â€Å"We can become more with less competent in the spiritual disciplines, training ourselves to experience God more fully, but we can never be spiritually competent.† (2011, p. 11). This is an interesting observation since Christians are always growing but can sometimes become stagnant in their growth and in their walk with Christ. It was also pointed out that spiritual training is not done in the classroom, it is not in a curriculum, and thus harder to measure from someone other than the participant. McMinn wants to empower the reader to explore their own Christian faith and how it can be incorporated successfully into therapy sessions with their clients. By educating the reader on a sense of a healthy self, he explores how prayer can be effective in sessions and also provides different methods for implementation. He stresses the importance of prayer and what it means at different times in relation to a counseling session he states, â€Å"We pray  as we breathe, inhaling the wisdom of God’s presence in this moment, exhaling a frantic need to have the perfect words or exact technique to â€Å"fix† our clients.† (2011, p. 109). This was one of the ways the author describes the use of prayer in counseling and how it also aides the counselor. Exploring further into the use of Scripture in counseling sessions the author establishes the connection of support in different counseling models. Forgiveness was also another topic the author addresses noting, â€Å"Rather, my goal is to raise pertinent issues and make recommendations for Christian counselors to consider so that each unique counseling situation can be carefully evaluated and a psychologically and spiritually sensitive manner.† (McMinn, 2011, p. 250). McMinn additionally provides five steps in assessing before considering introduction of forgiveness in a therapeutic session. He does this by debunking misinformation, and other related concepts that are not true in the use of forgiveness in therapy. By tying together the topics of prayer, scripture, confession, forgiveness, and redemption the goal as McMinn puts it, â€Å"If not how we understand the relationship between psychology and theology but how we practically use the Christian faith in our counseling. Change brings challenge and Christian counselors they several significant challenges as they bring religion into the counseling offices.† (p. 26) Concrete Response In McMinn’s book, he uses a chapter to discuss forgiveness which reminded me of a client I had long ago. This client had suffered physical, emotional, and sexual abuse from various family members. I remember this client disclosing horrible, horrible abuse and still having nightmares, at times hallucinations of the offenders, and fits of rage. At this point in my career I was co-counseling, and was just beginning to understand the impact forgiveness can have in physical health and emotional health. My problem was I didn’t realize how the client wanted to please me and in doing so I believe I prolonged this client’s understanding of forgiveness and what it should have meant with the client and not me. This client was Christian and from my estimation now looking back was just beginning their walk with Christ and not on the same maturity level that I was at that time in my walk with Christ. At that time I knew how forgiveness first and foremost is obedience to God, and secondly how it can set you free from so many emotional problems, McMinn said, â€Å"Forgiveness, in its theological and spiritual context, is profound, life-giving, and transforming. When we remove the religious context and think of forgiveness only as a clinical technique, we risk losing the essence of forgiveness.† (2011, p. 254) After reading this chapter it made me re-live an area in which I was not fully equipped to help client maneuver their way through. This particular chapter has allowed me to see how vital forgiveness is in a therapeutic session, and how it must be used carefully. It is made me aware of how important my Christianity is to forgiveness, but also to assess the level my client is currently on before beginning a session on forgiveness. Reflection Truthfully, there was not much about this book that gave me pause to say â€Å"this bothers me†. Although, I did have a few questions but not necessarily pertaining to the author’s writing of the book, but more so some information of other resources cited. For example, the author stated, â€Å"Though Maslow would not agree that the Christian faith can help lead people to emotional health, his reports of the characteristics and desires of help the people who have moved beyond preoccupation with self he called them self actualizers are remarkably similar to the fruit of the Spirit described by apostle Paul in Galatians 5:22-23.† (McMinn, 2011, p. 52). This was interesting, but this student thought as the author had previously pointed out how you can build on something that’s faulty. It appeared as though Maslow’s disagreement with the Christian faith was unfounded, but he built his own concept of self-similar to Christian values. There was a statement from McMinn which did cause this student question if there was a direct answer. McMinn stated, â€Å"However, this view perpetuates the problem mentioned earlier, that Christianized form of therapy can be built on flawed, misleading, and damaging worldview assumptions.† (2011, p. 25). The question this student was left with was is there any therapy that can agree with Christian beliefs without being built on a flawed worldview? The author gave this student of reason to pause when thinking about the different types of therapy that are currently used in counseling. Due to different statistics, success rates, and general practice it seems as a counselor you go with what  works. However, McMinn has given this reader a different view on how therapy for the counselor should be perceived with the integration of psychology, theology, and spirituality. It is not enough simply to use of therapy because statistically it has been proven to be successful. If certain theories in which some therapies are based are in direct opposition of godly counsel in this would need to be viewed more cautiously by the counselor. Action Action steps this student can take as a result of what has been learned, specifically in regards to prayer would be as follows: if a client desires to pray this student asked the client that comfort level in regards to pray aloud, silently or together. Further, learning pauses in a session can be a prime opportunity to pray silently for the client and guidance from God. McMinn stated, â€Å"Praying during pauses in conversation is often the way not only to keep a spiritual focus in counseling but also to keep from impulsively filling the silence with unnecessary words.† (2011, p. 83). Another action step this student will be taking as a result of a lesson learned, researching theories and books which may be in opposition to Christian beliefs. This student’s understanding of integration of psychology and Christianity are vital in be effective in helping God’s people. For example, the book â€Å"The Courage to Heal† is used in many areas of sexual abuse. This student was unaware of the author’s understanding of forgiveness and how the client is directed not to forgive the perpetrator of the abuse. If the client is Christian and this student is the counselor gave a homework assignment from this book regarding forgiveness this would create a problem. It is very important to understand, read fully, and research information which may be incorporated into a counseling session. It is not enough to use a therapy technique or intervention because it is popular or has been proven effective. Steps must be taken to ensure therapy and techniques are in line with God and His will. References McMinn, M. (2011). Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality in Christian Counseling (p. 254). Carol Stream, Illinois: Tyndale House Publishers.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Apple external environment analysis Essay

Business background Apple.Inc. was founded in 1976 by Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs. It became successful in the personal company industry because of its incredible innovative products and business strategy. Small computer was the costumer- friendly product that has a clear future vision. Steve Jobs found this market and believe the demand for this market was big. Apple was the most successful initial public offering after Ford Motor Company in 1980. Apple also was the fast company that hit the Fortune 500 in the history. However, Apple nearly goes into bankruptcy by the middle of 1990s due to the fierce external competition from the IBM and the Microsoft and the internal rapidly growth. In order to stay afloat, apple focused on innovated their personal industry line. This helps Apple became successful ever after. Nowadays, the Apple Company involved in designs, manufactures, and markets personal computers, mobile communication and media devices and portable digital music players. It also sells the relative service, software, third- party digital content and applications and etc. The main product included IPhone, IPad, Mac, Ipod, AppleTV. The professional software applications and operating system IOS and OS X are also the part of product for the Apple. Apple sells the delivers digital content and application online through ITunes Store, App Store, iBooks Store, and Mac App Store to provide service for the item they sale such as Mac. Customer can buy the entire product through online store, the retail stores, direct sales force that located worldwide. Not only these, customer can buy the Apple product as well as through third-party cellular network carriers, wholesalers, retailers, and value-added resellers. (Apple Inc. Form 10-K, September 28, 2013) Mission statement According to the information show on the Apple website, there is no clear â€Å"official† Apple’s mission statement. The following paragraph can be seeing as the mission for the Apple Inc on the Apple Corporation website. â€Å"Apple designs Macs, the best personal computers on the world, along with OS X, iLife, iWork and professional software. Apple leads the digital music revolution with its iPods and iTunes online store. Apple has reinvented the mobile phone with its revolutionary iPhone and App Store, and is defining the future of mobile media and computing devises with iPad.† (Apple Inc. Form 10-K, September 28, 2013) This is Apple’s mission statement because it matches with the characteristics of a mission statement in some parts. During this paragraph, the product, services and the market for Apple has been clearly described. Customer can understand who are they and what they do through this short paragraph. However, in another way, this â€Å"mission statement† is more like a product list. Without list all the product, this mission statement nether mentioned customer nor the value or the purpose for the company. It is clear to see that Apple Corporation is the product-oriented company. Vision statement The vision for the Apple Corporation is also can be seen as its mission statement. â€Å"Apple is committed to bringing the best personal computing experience to student, educators, creative professionals and consumers around the world through its innovative hardware, software and Internet offerings.† (Apple Inc. Form 10-K, September 28, 2013) Unlike the mission statement, the vision statement is clearly customer- oriented. The market, product, customer and the self-concept for the future Apple Corporation has been mentioned in this one sentences. The future path of the Apple is clearly described as to bringing the best personal computing experience to all the customers. Strategy Based on the vision of Apple Corporation. Company will continue bringing the best product for the customers by innovation. Using unique ability Apple will continue design and improve its own operating system and all the other service, hardware and application to customer. Let the customer enjoy the new product that more easy-to-use and innovated design. Apple Corporation will continue investment in research, design, marketing and advertising. All these investments will play important role at developing and sale the new products. As the part of online store, all the customers who have â€Å"IOS† devices can discover, buy and download application and book from Apple store and iBook. Third- party application and digital content also are the important parts of iTunes store, which provide large number of revenue for Apple Corporation. To expand the discovery and delivery platform for the third- party who provide high quality hardware or software are also parts of strategy. The comp any believes that knowledgeable salespersons who can transform the value of product has the ability to attract and keep customers. The strategy for the marketing part is included that enhancing and expanding both online and retail stores to reach more customers and provide them a high-quality buying and post sales experience. (Apple Inc. Form 10-K, September 28, 2013) Strategy objective The financial objective- Continuing working in product innovation to extent the current product lifecycle. Through update the current system or launch the new product to maintain and growth market share and make profit. The customer related objective- the best way to keep loyal customer is by launch new innovative product. Keeping current customer base and extent the new market with the special focus on the developing countries like China and India will help Apple Corporation win the competition with the competitors. External Macro environment analysis Political Factors: Apple Corporation manages its business based on the geography base, which are general based on the location of its customers. Nowadays, Apple has retail store in 13 countries and sell their product through reseller and other ways all over the world. According to the annual report of 2013, the domestic and international sales accounted for 39% and 61%. The international market plays an important role for Apple Corporation. Wars, disasters, bad global relations and terrorism can affect business. In order to inter the foreign market, the company activity is affected by the local laws and regulation. For example, tax import and export requirement, intellectual property, labour, ownership and infringement, foreign exchange controls, environment and etc. those policy are different in different countries. In some of the countries, to enter the market may need to do the additional testing, product modifications, delays in product shipping dates, or decline product from the product list. All these will increase the operation cost and affect the sales of Apple product. As the policy may consistent change, in the future, the cost of doing business will continue increase. Any delay the introduction of new product caused by the changes of law or regulation has the possible result that product or service are less attractive to the customer even worst may damage the Apple image in its customers and retailers. (Apple Inc. Form 10-K, September 28, 2013) Economic Factors In the past few years, the world’s economy starts getting better from the recession. But the inflation rate still high, while the earning for the customers did not change. The unemployed rate is increase in many countries. Due to all these reason, customer’s purchasing power may reduce. People trend to spend less and do not buy the product that is experience. According to the finance data provide by the Apple annual report, the net income of 2013 (37,037 million) was less than the 2012(41,733 million). (Apple Inc. Form 10-K, September 28, 2013) The sales in some product are decreased. During the economic recession period, currency exchange rate become volatile. Apple using the margins on sales of the products in foreign countries to paid the foreign suppliers. Using this way to minimum the affect of foreign currency exchange rate fluctuations. Social Factors As the global warming become more and more serious. Environmental protection problem become major issues in many countries. Some of them are where Apple operates. Most of the Apple product is produced outside the American. For example, iPhone is mainly produced in China. However, in the past few years, as the people and government in China are start consider the environment issues that caused by the manufactories. And the labor cost has increased in China. The total cost for producing iPhone has consistent increase. Technology Factors: Apple Corporation is in the market that has fast technology changes, no matter for personal computer, mobile phone and all the other electronic products. All of products are facing the heavy competition to the other companies such as Samsung. The characters of the technical industry are short product life period, need to introduce new product frequently and need to improve product performances frequently. In order to facing the rapidly changes in this industry, companies need to spend lots of money on research, design and development. However, this is good for Apple Corporation as they are using the unique operation system that designed by themself. Macro- environment affect industry Environment Apple Corporation are belong to the electronic industry, which is the industry that worth billions of dollars. More and more people’ work and daily life communication are relay on the consumer electronic such a computer and mobile phone. The size of the electronic manufactories continues increase. The electronic wastes are coming with the development of industry. The electronic devices are usually made by the toxic materials that are very hard to recycle. In one year, over 3 million tone electronic waste are produced in the United States. (EPA.) It’s clearly to see that in today’s society people are trend to be more environmental friendly. Not only the material that use to make the electronic devices need to be save, but also the other materials. Currently, the people in the industry are trying to design the sustainable electronics to help reduce the wastes. Tim Cook reveals his vision of industry. The future of the electronic industry is to use greener materials, less packaging, keep electronic product out of the landfills. (Jay Yaro, 2014) Demographics Currently, the customer for the electronic devices like computer and mobile phone are the young people at age between 18 and 35. It’s turn out that lots of company are forgot a important market-the middle age adult. The adult in the age between 40 and 60 should be the major market as most of them are earning money. Nowadays, with the technology development people are forced to use electronic devices. Especially for the middle age people who has a job. Those people are willing to buy the product for the work and start learning technology. Middle age is the group of people that has the highest purchasing power no matter in what time. After ten years, the young people at age of 18 to 35 are growing to the middle age and start work. This group of people is both familiar with all the electronic device and have money will provide much more revenue for the electronic industry. The developing countries like China also have a potential to growth in the future. Based on the population of those developing countries, the major market for the electronic industry in the future will transform from developed countries to the developing countries. Economic Electronic industry is one of the fastest developing industries in the world. In some way, it is driving the economy growth. Electronic is important for almost every major industry in the world. The trend for the global industry is to become more and more automated. The productivity for the electronic  industry or the information technology industry will increase much more than the other industry, especially in the developing country where skilled labor are experience. Porter’s Five Forces model Rivalry Among Existing Competitors- Strong The electronic and information technology industry are both well know as the fast growth industry. The competition between companies is strong. This is the reason why the larger companies for the industry are less. The threat of existing competitors is very high for the Apple. The company is now operating three major markets: personal computer, mobile phone and the music players. For the personal computer area, Apple needs to compete with the big company like Dell, Toshiba, HP and etc. Apple using its unique operation system successful occupied parts of the market. However, as the difference of the market strategy, all the company is focus on different market. For the mobile phone area, Apple has to compete the big companies like Samsung and Blackbarry. For the music player area, Apple occupied 72% of the market. (Cole, 2013)However, the competitors like Sony are continue improve themselves. The only way to keep all the market share is to consistently improve and provide new product. In the future, as the market for the industry are moving from the developed countries to the developing countries, how to win the competition without lower price will be the top issue that Apple should work with. Bargaining Power of Buyers – Strong For the Apple Corporation, the â€Å"buyers† will be almost every one in the world. According to the large customer base, it’s clearly to say that the bargaining power of buyers is strong. There are so many choices for buyers. (different brand that provide the similar product.) Customers can easily switch between the brands. The individual buyer often knows the basic information for the product. These group of customer looking for the  computer that has high quality but lower price. The bargaining powers for them are moderate. Apple is mainly targeting the customers that have academic institute, colleges and schools students, and retail buyers. School and some other organization is the big buyer for the apple computer area. Their bargaining power as a buyer is high. As the technology industry continues development, the new buyer come into the market. This large number of customers may change the current market. But one thing will not change is that the power is control by the customers. Bargaining Power of Suppliers – Weak Expect the suppliers like Intel. The bargaining power for the suppliers is low. For the big company like Apple, there are thousands of suppliers want to establish the relationship with it. For the suppliers, the competition between their own industries is strong. The low enter requirement caused lots of new enter. However, it’s hard to get large order since the existing relationships between current suppliers and company. Apple has lots of choices, the number of satisfaction substitute suppliers are many. The cost for Apple switch the supplier from one to another is low. The bargaining power for Apple as the buyer is strong, which sometime can influence the price for the product. Not only Apple as a buyer can influence the price, the price competition between the suppliers will also lower the price, which lower the cost for Apple. Currently, people are start pay more attention on the environment protection. According to Tim Cook’s vision of environment, the current supplier may have to become even greener to maintain the relationship with Apple. Threat of New Entrants – moderate The electronica industry keep attracting to the new enter with its rapid growth and increasing customer base. In another way, the industry are not attracting new enter as they are enter to the mature market that have to face the fierce competition. The giant player like Apple, Dell, Samsung are in the market and control the most of market. It’s hard to compete with these companies. To enter the high-tech industry the capital requirement are relatively high. The giant company like Apple are already controlled the supply and marketing channel. It is hard for a new enters get assessing to those channel. Another important parts is that in the current market, customer are usually loyalty to the larger and old brand. This is the challenge for the new enter to get market share from the well-know competitors. Threat from Substitutes – moderate The threat from the substitutes is moderate for Apple. There is not much product can substitute the electronic devices like computer, smartphone and music player. However for some of people, they do not need these entire products especially for the elder people. They may more like to read news on newspaper rather than on the websites and writing on the paper rather than taping on Computer. The traditional way is the substitute for this industry. However, as the industry continually developing, the threat from this part will consistently decrease. Reference Apple. Inc (Sept.29, 2013) Apple Annual Report Form 10-K. Apple.Inc. Jay Yaro (APR. 21, 2014) Tim Cook Reveals His Vision For Apple In An Environmental Video. Retrieved from video-2014-4 EPA (n.d) Cleaning Up Electronic Waste. Retrieved from Shane Cole (December 19, 2013) Apple’s iPod continues to lead an ever-shrinking market of portable media players. Retrieved from

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Behavior Intervention Plan For Student s Identifying...

BEHAVIOR INTERVENTION PLAN (BIP) Student’s Identifying Information: N.E is a ten-year-old boy who attends 4th grade at North Bergen Elementary School. N.E is a very intelligent and creative boy that needs extra help to achieve his academic and social skills. He has little motivation for school achievement, with problems in independent reading, math and classroom behavior. He demonstrates a poor approach in working in a group, usually instead of working on assigned task, he talks to somebody when it is prohibited, playing with his hands or objects, making noises, calling out and looking around. The student gets easily frustrated and cries when he realizes he is having problems with his schoolwork, especially, in the subject of mathematics. II. Strengths of the student: N.E can become an active participant when he is engaging in the class, his learning process is more about hands-on experiences, he performs well when he has the opportunity to interact with both between teacher and his classmates, for example in games, he also enjoys the art class and he likes to express himself through his drawings. He seems excited when he is praised by the teacher. III. Behavioral goals: According to the FBA the behavioral goals are: N.E will follow directions for independent reading. N.E will calmly approach math work. IV. Target Behaviors: According to the FBA the target behaviors chosen are: Off task Motor: The student, instead of working on independentShow MoreRelatedEvaluation Of A Functional Assessment And A Potential Behavior Support Plan1700 Words   |  7 PagesStudent Information Student: Isiah Hoyte D.O.B: 02/17/2008 Gender: Male School Year: 2015-2016 Age: 8 School: Oniondale Union Free School District Meeting Information Date: 8/29/2015 Participants: M. Parker, Guidance Counselor, B. Michael, Social worker, Parent, D. Shaw Principal, S. Roberts, Behavioral Consultant, Classroom Teachers; D. Chemnitz and C. Ragusa This meeting is being held to plan for the assessment of Isiah Hoyte. We will go over the target behaviors as reported by school staffRead MoreThe Behavior Rating Profile, Second Edition Is An Instrument That s Designed For Student s Ranging892 Words   |  4 PagesBRP2 Summary The Behavior Rating Profile, Second Edition is an instrument that’s designed for student’s ranging from 6 to 18. 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